The performer trains to take entrepreneurial ownership of both their artistic and career endeavours.

Apart from going through a highly demanding and practical acting training, students become effectively equipped for both artistic and cultural entrepreneurship. This includes cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural and transnational competencies and practices, a fusion of cultural horizons, which equip graduates with the skill- and mindset to conceive, devise, rehearse, perform, produce and manage co-creational, artistic projects, using different performative media.

Performers are trained to make distinctive artistic choices, and to take command of their own careers, not only as individual artistic endeavours but as expressions of active (world) citizenship.

CISPA graduates have been accepted to MA programmes at other national and international universities on the basis of the CISPA 3 Year Professional Acting Course. The course has been assessed at level 6 by the Danish Accreditation Institution. (*)

CISPA offers a training that qualifies the performer to challenge habitual thinking both in terms of art and career, and to create new ways of performing, researching, and project devising and developing.


(*) The Danish Accreditation Institution is an academically independent authority within the state administration (The Ministry of Higher Education & Science)