CISPA 3rd year proudly presents


a live performance online

by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz

Attention! Even Covid-19 cannot kill the Water Hen!
Faced with the lockdown of theatres, CISPA set up a project to investigate new forms of transmitting live theatre, with exciting results. Using multi live streaming in most unusual and imaginative ways, CISPA has developed a completely new form of storytelling - one which moves beyond the usual boundaries of live theatre. This graduation performance brought to you by CISPA’s third year students will prove to be an innovative and memorable experience.

The Water Hen is a saga of murder, suicide, money and the pursuit of meaning in a chaotic world set against a backdrop of violent revolution. Witkiewicz' riotously funny and colourful dreamscape is peopled with a femme fatale, a would-be artist, a retired sea captain, an orphaned child, a widowed duchess, a scoundrel, businessmen, detectives, a Russian nurse, and a mysterious lamplighter.
Witkiewicz was a daring and innovative playwright who developed his own theory for the theatre which he called "Pure Form", an attempt to bring to the theatre the theories and practices of modern art and music. He aimed to create theatre that communicated the existential experience of human existence, the wonder, bafflement, horror, loneliness, fear, and dread.
The Water Hen is theatre at its most startling, rule-breaking and vital. In The Water Hen even the dead come back to life!
The Water Hen by Witkiewicz will be live-streamed from May 28 - June 3 in a thrilling new production.

Directed by Andrew Norton // With Hinrik Kanneworff, Sylwia Wanowicz, Bogdan Gorgos, Daniel Neil Ash, Daniela Heimsch, Elitsa Radivoeva, Riina Pitkänen, Sigríður Ásta Olgeirsdóttir and Oona Kare // Graphic Design by Constantin Gindele

28 May - 03 June 2020

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The live stream will start at 7PM (CEST) / 6PM (BST)